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Come join our book study Tuesday nights at 6PM-7:30PM EST Tuesday nights: Nativity is hosting a book discussion on ‘Learning to Walk in the Dark’(by Barbara Brown Taylor). It is a profound study on the presence of God in the midst of areas traditionally labeled ‘dark’. These can either be areas we find scary, or areas we can explore together with holy curiosity. Taylor invites us to journey with her into the dark and ask probing questions.

Pastor Drew invites you to join us for this study by clicking this link to order the book. Class will start Jan 21 and run six weeks (Tuesdays 6-7:30 PM). Feel free to come even if you missed a session already, the sessions are a 'come as you are' type of approach, and non-cumulative. People can attend the class in person at the church, or if you would prefer to join via Zoom please email Pastor Drew at: email Pastor Drew - click here. If Tuesdays are no good for you, please contact and we will work to add an extra class time (that fits your schedule better) for a discussion with you and your friends or family. 

God bless you in this season of Epiphany light (and dark)!


Pastor Drew